Non Chemical, Non Toxic, 100% natural Cleaning products Our laboratory manufacturing capabilities are 40,000 litres per day utilising 3 mix kettles of 10m3. Green Bear are currently running four lines with one in construction and 2 more being developed. We are registered as a STER laboratory and have all the certification (below) that entails allowing us to produce to the highest quality. We are a totally independent financed Laboratory with no bank or outside finance. We are renowned in developing, manufacturing and packaging products from their conception, not only for the consumer, hospitals, etc., but also for the industry where bespoke products are required. This setup creates total confidence in our products to the customer. Our team, consisting of 12 people are classed as one of the best in Europe in this field. As with all Green Bear products in this range, you can be assured of the highest quality product. Certificates & Quality Environmental Control Our products at Green bear satisfy strict quality control requirement and are exhaustively checked. We have made this effort to allow you the customer complete versatility in all areas at home or in business but most of all, to give our customers confidence. All our cleaning products developed by us are able to be used in the foods industry complying with the HACCP, MSDS & ISO qualities and standards. Our industrial products have a number of certificates which guarantee safety and satisfy those environment demands. With our two laboratories now being of the highest standard, achieving these certificates for the customers peace of mind has been worth the work and effort. Below is a summary overview of the relevant certificates for your future reference and an understanding of their meaning: ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management system ISO is an International Certificate of Standardisation for the qualities management system used and accepted through more than 3.5 million organisations in 161 countries. This certificate can help people understand that the products have met the high quality standard that is consistent and satisfy the requirement that is recognisable world-wide. Our industrial cleanings products have been produced under ISO 9001 certified conditions and can be used in areas that the ISO 9001 standards are required within industry. ISO 14001 Environmental care system An international accepted standard in which describes a good environment care system. It is a balance between the preservation of the environment and putting back to counter the damage made within the environment. Organisations and Companies that have an ISO 14001 standard are producing with the protection of the environment in mind, reducing the pollution which in turn improves the environment we live in. Our industrial cleanings products are produced under ISO 14001 certified conditions and can be used in areas that the ISO 14001 standards are required within industry. GMP  These qualities standard is an abbreviation for Good Manufacturing Practise (Good manner of produce) and is used in the food, pharmaceutical and health industry. This Quality system has been issued on the hygiene levels during the production process. GMP's help assure quality supplement products through a variety of best practises, to ensure quality. Including: - Raw materials quality assurance
- Standards for cleanliness and safety
- Qualifications of manufacturing personnel
- In-house testing • Production and process controls
- Record-keeping of substances throughout the manufacturing process
As Part of our GPM program our laboratories must comply with the recognised standards in their overall programs and execution related to their grounds, building and equipment, receiving, storage, plant sanitation and processing. Company procedures and records are also reviewed for the presence of viable, complementary safety programs, such as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) systems, quality assurance programs. Our industrial and consumer cleanings products have been produced under GMP certified conditions and can be used in areas that the GMP qualities standard is required HACCP This certificate is an abbreviation for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) and is the main platform for international legislation and good manufacturing practises for all sectors or the food industry. HACCP also forms a key component with many certified compliance standards and is recognised as a main element for international trade in food products. HACCP certified products can be used safely in food preparation areas, production processes and trading. Our industrial cleanings products have been produced under HACCP certified qualities standards. EKO - Skal International  SKAL International is the inspector on the biological production and is the leading organic logo in the Netherlands. SKAL certified products can be used safely in the bio industry. Skal, the leading certifier, is active throughout Europe with this logo used on products across several markets EKO organic logo is issued by Skal International. The criteria is: - At least 95% of the product's ingredients comes from inspected, organic farming in compliance with Regulation (EEC) No. 2092/91 for organic production methods.
- Skal International Standards expressly exclude radioactive irradiation and materials from genetic technology (GMO) processes.
- A product only receives the EKO quality symbol when it satisfies both the Regulation and Skal Internationals Standards.
Our Green Bear cleaning products have been produced under SKAL certified conditions UL - Underwriters Laboratories® Is an independent product safety certification organization that has been testing products and writing standards for safety for more than a century. UL evaluates more than 19,000 types of products, components, materials and systems annually with 21 billion UL Marks appearing on 72,000 manufacturers' products each year. UL's worldwide family of companies and network of service providers includes 62 laboratory, testing and certification facilities. UL does not “approve” products. Rather it evaluates products, components, materials and systems for compliance to specific requirements, CE - Communate Europpene CE is the abbreviation of French "Communate Europpene", which means European Communities. Afterward, the European Communities developed into the European Union (EU for short). CE Mark indicates the product meets the basic requirements of the European health, safety, and environmental agencies. "CE-mark" is also a safety mark, which is symbolized as a passport to entering the European market for manufacturers. All products issued with the “CE-mark” can be circulated in each member country of the EU without the necessity to meet the requirements of each member country respectively, thus it can realize the free trade throughout the EU member countries. FDA - The United States "Food and Drug Administration" Is the government agency responsible for regulating food and medical treatments in the United States. One aspect of its jurisdiction over food is regulation of the content of health claims on food labels. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA or USFDA) is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services and is responsible for regulating and supervising the safety of foods, dietary supplements, drugs, vaccines, biological medical products, blood products, medical devices, radiation-emitting devices, veterinary products, and cosmetics. The recognised image for products that have not been tested on live animals |